Becky is 4th row with a braid and black dress
My youngest daughter got baptised on June 11, 2011, in Loveland Colorado. I flew to Colorado for that event in Alex stayed home. Becky lives with my ex, and I stayed with my oldest son Louis Jr. Louis and I went to my property in Southern Colorado on Friday and when I opened the door, there was a rattlesnake guarding the door. The fact that we wanted to get past without any issues, was to his demise. The picture is just after we removed his head with a .22. I found that the outside hydrant was not working and that the water came through an overflow. I will have to repair or replace it the next time I go. On the road leaving I took a picture of a few Pronghorn that were grazing what was available. It has been very dry in the southern part of the state. Part of the southwestern drought I guess. In Loveland, about 200 miles north it was very green. Brahm and Daggs took me to a special event that was at Centennial Airport, where they were displaying a B-17 bomber. They had a dance, served spam sandwiches, wine and beer. People were dressed in 40's attire, and it was great fun.
Did you skin the snake and make something with the skin? Your property is very is your daughter.